Monday, March 07, 2011

First shot

Graduating isn't that easy, especially for film majors like me. It takes a lot of sweat, a lot of money (hundreds please :| ) and maybe even a bit of blood and true friendship and love before you can finish everything off. You see, if you're a student majoring in Filmmaking in UP, you have to make a film as your thesis (well, for some people, they choose to make just a paper, for which I don't see the point). Then you have to do this and that and this and that and shoot. Why am I writing this? Well, because just two days ago I finished shooting my film (which was supposed to be finished two weeks ago, but for some instances...3rd day) and this is my first post here.

Thank you Sir Lito!

For more suspense. Hihi. :)

Though directing is not really my expertise or should I say, my line of work, it is a very good experience. Besides the "bad event" which happened during the first day, and the sad reality of going way past my expected budget, everything went well.

"IT'S A WRAP." I am now looking forward to the end of it all- well, for this sem actually.

To post-prod and to graduation. Excited much. Thank you crew and friends. And of course, to my parents. :)

To my future. And to Art. And to Cinema.

And here I cut my first post.

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