Friday, July 08, 2011


Just so you know, Max's Restaurant used to have this promo called, "Chicken-all-you-can". Now it's back. It's been back for 28 days already and tomorrow, the promo will end. 

Just so you know, 2 days before its end, we availed the promo! And we loved it and hated it and loved it and we also thought of the chickens but then we love eating them. Good thing it's Friday and it's raining and the place (QC Circle) is so nice and big and Jerome and Ryan and Ilsa was there. 

Though I don't have money anymore, still, I have to invest in good food, and this is good food (though not that healthy). 

Kudos to those who availed of it!
Slow-motion-sad-face to those who didn't and who can't. Reflect. And wait for another 5 years. 

Kudos to Jerome who emptied a bottle of ketchup we smothered from somewhere else. Yes, we hoarded them. (Jufran only)

I finished 3 and a half! (And then I gave the other half to Jerome hihi)

Ilsa finished 3 and a half too! (And the other half to Jerome haha)

Ryan! 5 pieces! Yay!

The champion! 6 pieces (and counting haha)
Now let me sleep and dream of all the chicken who was killed and boned and eaten. They might chase after me in my dreams. Or in reality. Whatsoever. 

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